We are living here rent free for the moment while looking for a house, that being said, you get certain things when you live somewhere rent free. First and foremost, Scummy McMullet and his family have moved in next door. They have moved in when some elderly relative died and now 40-50 of them live there and they have about 10-15 pets which would be fine but their house is about 1000 square feet. Ok well its small I have no idea how small and I have no idea how many of them there are mainly because I run to and from the house now in hopes that they dont see me or talk to me. (its working because they told the hubby they've never seen me hahaha). They have several kids and large dogs which roll around in the mud and then go into the house and I'm not sure either has ever bathed. They also either have run out of room in their house what with all the people and animals or have decided to proudly display all their crap on their porch as well because its now covered. (My sister in law came to pick me up to go to the movies after all the crap appeared and asked if they were having a yard sale!!!) But I came home today and saw this the white trash status symbol to beat all others thats right the yard yacht and limo. We have to move immediately!!
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