Well I have scored myself a super awesome prestigious new job except the job I have had for the past couple of months has sucked the life and brains out of me so now this job is probably way out of my league and I keep waiting for them to realize I'm an idiot and take the job away. But I was super honest when I interviewed for it and they liked that so I guess they realize its like hiring McDreamy when you need an actual neurosurgeon. Well maybe its not that extreme did get training for what I'm about to do I have just been playing in snot, ears, rashes, and poop, for the past couple and now I'm expected to deal with heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, you know major stuff. Its like that scene in Legally Blonde when Elle is in her class and pulls out that that feathery pen and that little note pad to take notes with everyone else has a laptop. I have a feathery pen and everyone has a laptop.

But this just doesn't take away from the fact that I am so proud of myself I got myself out a situation which was horrid to say the least and was taking a toll on my mental state and professional ability and now I have a job which is pays amazing and will allow to be a person and not a slave. Just hopefully the nervous diarrhea wont soak through my Depends do you think Elle Woods wore Depends?
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