Friday, March 20, 2009


well it finally happened i broke the gazelle, you know the tony little exercize piece of equipment, it probably had literally over 200,000 miles on it. i wore through heavy steel to make a complete hole in a steel beam, that ladies and gents takes some dedication and talent if i do say so myself. i think tony should spring for lipo for those last 10 lbs seeing as how i managed to break steel with my legs. dont you agree?

Monday, March 16, 2009

At least I entertain myself

its endlessly funny to me that someone found my blog searching for Big Butt Kardashian. LOL hahahaha that it the funniest thing ive heard all day. Also marsha brady outfits, and planned teen pregnancy. Wow winners all around.

some info please?

can someone please tell me what a dogs thing is supposed to look like after you neuter him? i dare not google dog penis and or some such nonsense and no one seems to have a male animal that i know. the medical practitioner in me forces me to have some curiosity about whether its healing correctly and the overproctective dog mom in me wonders as well. any suggestions?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

now what?

spring was finally starting to drop hints its may be arriving like a junior high girl crushing hard but then came the snow and 20 degree temps. then i got the flu. wtf? i got a frickin flu shot and i use so much purelle i probably have an illegal blood alcohol level come days end how did i get the flu, not to mention shouldnt we be done with flu season already? so im in a funk im not capitalizing anything, i dont have anything in particular i want to write about, i dont have anything in particular i want to do, i feel blah. spring where are you?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

im that person

I dropped my poor baby dog off at the vet this morning to have his manhood taken away and I teared up when he clung to me as the came to get him. I usually take delight in making fun of the weirdos in the waiting room at the vets but today I was one of them, blinking back tears and fighting the desire to scream dont take away my baby. I was also completely insensed that the hubs was not also completely horrified by the event and simply said I'm at work I can't talk about your nervous breakdown now.

Friday, March 6, 2009


its bad enough its my weekend to work when its the first pretty weekend of the year. its bad enough im sick, sick sick like i have the flu or something wretched like that. its bad enough im working with the doc that is a whimp that makes me do all his work this weekend so it will be a bear to get through this when my whole body is aching and i have a fever and my head is pounding and my patients smell like a dead animal mixed with vomit and poop. then my boss came in today and hes sick, bastard he made me sick. i know it. grrr

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dont You Judge Me My Skin Scalding Off Is Punishment Enough

Since Winter/Death/Hell has made a depressing reemergence I have made a rather late foray into seasonal affective disorder. I mean cmon how long can winter possibly last I had already put away most of my winter crap hauled out a bunch of those stupid bags that dont really worked that are meant to collapse all of your clothes into a minsucle space the size of shirt pocket by hooking them up to the vaccuum but all that really happens it that it pisses me off and it pisses the dog off and I managed to get one of the bags stuck in the vacuum and I think I may have burnt up the vacuum. Anyways after that incredibly prodcutive day I got to open two of those wonderous achivements of human engineering because after several days of 60+degree weather its back into the frickin teens yes teens. I don't want to repackage all my winter crap again. But this caused a major depression and a major longing for summer and I decided to tan. Yeah I know save me the lecture about skin cancer aging blah blah blah. I have survived repeated pneumonias, rheumatic fever, and an infection after surgery on my spinal cord I have also eaten something I dropped on the floor in the breakroom in the ER and the place where I work now has a patient that has an infection that only 17 people in the whole US have. If I want to tan a couple times I think its ok. Except I'm a dumbass and I fell asleep in a high pressure bed. I woke up and my whole body felt HOTT. I had to go to work yesterday glowing red. A guy I work with told I look like a glowing apple. Nice. So much for ending my seasonal affective disorder. Next time I'll just cut my own my bangs.