I'm stealing this from another blog....
I cant:
- force myself to go to bed a decent time
- keep my closet organized for longer than a week
- stop drinking coke zero
- pass up a great pair of shoes
- not text my girls multiple times a day about nothing while Im bored at work
- make meringue
I can:
- tell you the calorie content of most foods
- usually get my boss out of bad mood with a flirty smile
- coordinate my outfit and accessories precisely right down to pen color
- turn anything into a Friends or Gilmore Girl reference
- go to any length to justify not cleaning
- bake almost anything
- entertain myself way to easy
I wont:
- continue to be scared about what happens next
- let laundry pile up
- go for a long time without talking to my girls just because we live far apart now
- continue to be unhappy because its easier than making waves
I will:
- try to eat better, exercise more to keep myself happy and healthy
- look for the best in the situation
- figure out what it is that will make me happy and stop putting it off
- budget my time better
- always love a great laugh
I shouldnt:
- be paralyzed by what others think of me
- be critical of myself over everything
- cry or yell more than I laugh and smile
- put myself last
- make lists of things that will never get accomplished
- waste energy on things that are petty and stupid
- check TMZ, facebook, or perez hilton everday
I should:
- listen more
- relax
- procrastinate less
- learn to let go
- read more
- be nicer to my mother
- strive for organization
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago