So the hubby and I have been married for over three years now, in that time he has been grocery shopping with me at least 100 times. We almost always buy the same things with a few minor variations. With this in mind today while I lay dieing on the couch with strep throat he offered to go to the store and I agreed, thinking surely he could handle this. My fever ravaged body was surely insane at this point but I sat there thinking what a wonderful man to offer to do this chore. I tried to make this as pain free as possible and I made a list as I thought in my head aisle by aisle shelf by shelf which way he would go writing things down in painful detail. Colors names numbers locations descriptions, Helen Keller could have found what we bought with my list if only it was in
Braille. So the hubby set out list in hand and I took a swig of
NyQuil and closed my eyes and thought about why I thought it was a smart decision to take a job in pediatrics. 15 minutes later the first call came in then five minutes later another then a text then another call then another text then a call and I decided it would just be easier to stay on the phone. But no big deal at least we got what we needed or so I thought. Willy
Wonka has nothing on the hubby. Our normal list was replaced with every 6 year
old's fantasy of chocolate chip cookies,
cakesters, frozen pizza, french fries, pop tarts, various
sugary cereals, ice cream, and mountain dew. Oh some apples were purchased but they were baking apples. Oh well I guess its the
gesture of love that matters!!
Married life teaches one invaluable lesson: to think of things far enough ahead not to say them. ~Jefferson Machamer
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