Dear 2009 Dodge Challenger,
Oh how I love you 2009 Dodge Challenger. Even though you kinda look like the General Lee. Even though there is almost as little room inside of you as the cracker box I currently own (aka the rav aka the biggest piece o s*%t Toyota ever created) I doubt you can touch all 4 windows at the same time so Im good. Even though there is no way I could drive you in any inclement weather. Alas Dear vehicle we cant be together you see my hubby would steal you and turn you into some loud overpowered monster that I would never get to drive much less want to. I'm sorry about this but see I kinda took these wedding vows which trump my love for you. I promise that I will always hold a sweet place in my heart for you and that I will gaze longingly at you from afar but please dont be angry because if my hubby asks I will have to deny my love for you.
Love Always,
A Disheartened Rav4 Owner
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