After this weekends shopping fiasco I decided we should take another stab at this weeks grocery list I mean not that Captain Crunch and
pop tarts don't help me fit into my pants but the truth is yeah they
don't. When I turned 23 God said alright your done, it shall be nothing but ex-lax and lettuce for you my child but
that's another story best saved for another day. Anyways we are always seeing these big pouches that have a giant pickle in them. I love pickles we have a friend that owns a Subway and I requested a cookie bag full of pickles and I ate entire bag full of pickles one day until my tongue was sore. (yes I know I just said I ate pickles until my tongue was sore because
I'm classy like that) So I always want to try one of these giant sour pickles and the hubby always says really? a pickle in pouch? I really
don't think that's a good idea because I think those are the same ones that have been sitting there since we've been coming here. Today I decided was the day no man was standing in my way I was having a giant sour pickle. Let me just say I have eaten some truly disgusting things and this was by far the most disgusting thing I have ever had in my mouth and considering my high school days well
never mind. I insisted on opening it in the car because well, who am I kidding I'm a 5 year old. The smell of this thing just about gagged me but with hubby looking on there was no out I took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. It was way beyond my worst expectations. I leaned out the car window to rid my nose and mouth of this
atrocity while the hubby cackled uncontrollably. We finally pulled over at a gas station so I could throw away the remainder of the pickle and then rode in silence the rest of the way home. Even though the hubby grinned like a mad man and still cant look directly at me without bursting into laughter.
That is disgusting. But you know how sometimes in dive bars they have a giant jar of pickled eggs that look like they've been there since the year of the flood? Could you try one of those and blog about it? No? Just checking.
No new episode Office episode tonight. Boo.
Oh, I said "episode" one too many times. I must be really upset.
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