Friday, April 24, 2009

Things that have happened since I last posted

1) I have added additional items to my Murtagh list
a) I am to old to make dumb mistakes with household chores like burning a hole in my carpet with the vaccuum.

b) I am to old to drive somewhere and be so aimlessly lost that I have to call someone and describe what I see around me.

c) I am to old to zone out everytime someone discusses something financial.

2)I have become the official slave at work. The other provider has decided not to work and I have bore the brunt of this. I'm sick of it. I came home and went to sleep at 9:00 pm all this week out of sheer exhaustion.

So in conclusion:

Ive been a sleep deprived and overworked to the point where Ive become a dumbass and burnt a hole in the carpet, driven around lost, and zoned out during conversation.
Whats new with you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's new? Same. They keep telling me it will all be worth it someday. "They" better be damn right. :)