Monday, June 8, 2009

Tony Awards, How To Get the Hubs to Watch.

So I tortured the hubs last night not with the usual whips and chains, no true torture by making him watch the Tony Awards. At least once a week I exclaim to no one in particular I just want to quit being a PA and dance and sing so I was pretty excited to watch them. Also NPH was hosting and How I Met Your Mother is my favorite show so... Anyway were watching and the hubs is reading a mustang magazine so as to retain the ability to stand up while urinating and Brett Michaels starts to perform. He immediately stopped reading, " WTF?" then awe-struck silence. Yeah I know I'm proud. Moving on... At the end of this performance Brett was struck in the head with a large piece of the set and knocked to the ground. The hubs jumped off the couch and was like whoa did you see that? He grabs his phone and was about to call someone to ask if they saw that then I think the realize of what he was about to do sunk in and he quickly slammed his phone closed and went back to reading his magazine. I smiled silently to myself but I couldnt help but think if they could get an 80's rocker to perform and be unexpectedly knocked unconscious every year husband all over could openly enjoy them. Just a thought. PS hope Brett is ok.

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